Commission of European universities visit UERJ
The Dean of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), professor Ruy Garcia Marques, received a commission of representatives from foreign universities to continue the international mobility program. Professor Pedro Arcos, from the University of Oviedo and Professor Edna YamasakuPatrikiou, vice-Dean of the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, discussed possibilities of partnership with UERJ and signed a bilateral agreement.
Professor Antonio Silva Neto fromUERJ Polytechnic Institute (IPRJ) is currently negotiatingother partnership possibilities of international cooperation that includes the creation of a doctoral and master’s programs among UERJ, University of Oviedo and University of Nicosia as well in Disaster Engineering Management. “International mobility is key for universities that want to remain among the best worldwide," said professor Pedro Arcos.
The reception to the three visiting professor was also attended by Professor Egberto Gaspar de Moura, sub-rector of Graduate Programs and Research; Professor Cristina Russi from the International Cooperation Department; Professor Francisco Gold, from the Geology Department; Professors Mário Neves Teles and Claudio Henrique da Costa from the Medical Sciences College; Professor Katia Cardoso from the Dentistry College, among others. The International Cooperation Department is committed to increasing the number of foreign students at UERJ and of UERJ students abroad.
International Project of Graduate Studies and Research at UERJ
UERJ is one of the 36 IES which are part of the Institutional Program of Internationalization - Capes Print. Our CAPES-PRINT proposal included 18 graduate programs, allevaluated by CAPES as programs 5, 6 and 7. Itencompasses 30 projects, distributed across seven major themes, totallingfunds of approximately R $ 22,536,297.00 for scholarships and maintenance.
The inclusion of UERJ in the CAPES-PRINTProgram is the recognition ofour Graduate Programs’high level of internationalization as well as of theircapacity to manage and execute investments.
The Themes which are part of our Project cover areas in which we stand out, and are strategically aligned with the scientific, political, technological, and social development of the country and of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
The institutional project was prepared by the team from the Sub-Rector of Graduate Programs and Research Office in conjunction with members of the SR-2 Advisory Council who are in the CAPES-PRINT Steering Committee and have been appointed for this purpose, as well as to monitor the development and execution of the approved projects. The Steering Committee also includes members from foreign partner institutions.
The Graduate Program projects as well as the seven themes took into account our areas of expertise. Among the objectives, we highlight:
To promote the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic plans of internationalization in priority areas of knowledge; to stimulate the formation of international research networks, in order to improve the quality of the academic production from our graduate programs; to expand actions to support the internationalization of graduate studies; to promote the mobility of professors and students, with emphasis on the mobility of doctoral students, post-doctoral students and UERJ professors abroad and vice-versa, incrementing the presence of foreing students and professors at UERJ, linked to graduate programs that are part of international cooperation programs; to promote the transformation of the institutions involved aiming at an international environment; and to integrate other developmental actions in the light of CAPES internationalization effort.
University advances the internationalization | Uerj in Tariff
Capes First-Print UERJ event with DRI / CAPES team.